Australia's Trusted Charity, providing aid to millions around the globe since 2013

Who We Are

Australian International Aid (AIA) incorporated is a Non-for-Profit Organisation that is registered with the Australian Non-for-profit Charity and Consumer affairs (No. A0059466H). Our purpose is to provide aid and relief nationally and internationally to disadvantaged people by providing food, clean water, tents/ shelter, clothing and basic medication. Established since 2013, AIA has been providing immediate emergency relief by alleviating hunger, providing potable water, tood and medication as well as setting up tents, improving communities sanitation by building toilet areas and protecting from exploitation by preventing human trafficking amongst the poverty and hunger stricken communities. In addition to war torn countries, AlA aims at providing aid to other countries that often get neglected by other relief organisations.

Why Us?

Immediate Access to beneficiaries

We have immediate access to small and local organisations that have a larger impact on their respective communities. Read More

Ensuring due diligence

We go through a thorough diligence process before committing ourselves to any project. On average, we accept 1 out of 10 proposals we receive. Read More

Low administration expenditure

You want to get the highest positive social impact for your donation. Often aid organisations maintain big overheads, which leaves. Read More

We understand the communities

The AlA Team come from different countries and are conversant in multiple languages such as English, French, Albanian, Arabic, Bangla. Read More

We are Neutral

We do not associate with any political group and our sole aim is to ease the living condition of the needy people across the globe.

Low administration expenditure

We have immediate access to small and local organisations that have a larger impact on their respective communities. Read More

Ensuring due diligence

We go through a thorough diligence process before committing ourselves to any project. On average, we accept 1 out of 10 proposals we receive. Read More

Low administration expenditure

You want to get the highest positive social impact for your donation. Often aid organisations maintain big overheads, which leaves. Read More

We understand the communities

The AlA Team come from different countries and are conversant in multiple languages such as English, French, Albanian, Arabic, Bangla. Read More

We are Neutral

We do not associate with any political group and our sole aim is to ease the living condition of the needy people across the globe.

Our Target

Our target is to work first-hand (face-to-face) with the people in need by travelling in countries where help is most needed. The people who will benefit from our programs will be children, widows, old people etc. and are now reliant on humanitarian aid.

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AIA has been providing immediate emergency relief by alleviating hunger, providing potable water, food and medication as well as setting up tents, improving communities sanitation by building toilet areas and protecting from exploitation by preventing human trafficking amongst the poverty and hunger-stricken communities. In addition to war torn countries, AIA aims at providing aid to other countries that often get neglected by other relief organisations.

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